Update 1.001 - 2024-05-09
- All Unreal Versions: We fixed a small number of Networking-related Bugs that slipped through our test during the initial release and improved the behavior of automatic Capsule Collider adjustments while replicating. The Collider will now smoothly update on Clients instead of only adjusting its size at the end of the animation.
- Fixed the "GetSkeletalMesh Node is deprecated" Warning on the EasyMorph Component in Unreal Engine 5.1+ by replacing it with the newly introduced Node, ensuring compatibility with future Versions.
Update 1.002 - 2024-06-20
- All Unreal Versions: Added the ability to play Morph Target Animation on all Skeletal Meshes of the actor that has the Easy Morph Component attached to it.
- All Unreal Versions: Added two publicly available functions that were created to enable the new feature: Does Skeletal Mesh Component Have Morph Target and Find Skeletal Components with Morph Target
Update 1.003 - 2024-07-30
- All Unreal Versions: Added functionality to facilitate the creation of Player Customization/Character Editors. This includes new examples as well as new functions: Get All Current Morph Target Values, Get All Current Morph Target Values As Options String, Set Morph Target Values From Options String, Get All Current Skeletal Morph Values As Options String, and Set Skeletal Morph Values From Options String
- Some older functions like Instant Skeletal Morph have been modified, but all changes should be transparent and not lead to any change in behaviour.